Thursday, April 24, 2008

Watch out for the RICE SHORTAGE!

As the globe adjusts to the spike in oil prices we're now seeing the affects it's having on our supply and demand on other commodities.

I've learned one simple thing as I've become good friends with the Lassens. (Erika is half filipino.) Never get between a filipino and their rice. They take their rice pretty serious:

"The Philippines is one of the top importers of rice in the world. Rice is a politically sensitive commodity in this country. It is not surprising that reports of a rice shortage have energized political debate and public concern regarding the economic policies of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. "


I'm starting to see why it's imperative to admonish the counsels we've been given and have a two year food supply. Some serious ammo for my talk on Sunday about preparing for the Second Coming. I don't remember the verse that said that a nation will rise up and buy all of the worlds rice, but it's probably in there somewhere.

We know that one way to prepare is to buy lots of Rice....but it looks like you're gonna have to fight Erika for it.

(You have to understand that I taught Erika how to embrace her Filipino heritage. She's now passing on her filipino traditions to her 5 children and teaching them how to fish, make rice, and properly raise kittens.)


Unknown said...

Wheat - check, rice - on the list!

Rach said...

rice - check
fish - check
kittens - uh oh...

Mother 25 - 8 said...

Rice - check
Wheat - check, but what do I do with it?
Kittens - they are in a TYPE of storage!

OK, so I read this as soon as we got home. Yeah, laughed out loud. Maybe we'll buy a puppy from the Velas now?

crashomatic said...

You may not want to invest too much money in the puppy.......

We would get a free puppy from the SPCA before we bought a puppy.....

Too risky of an investment with the young children.............

Dinner was a blast as usual.

Alice Faye said...

I've been working on food storage forever but especially the last year or two. says a one year supply of long storage items like rice, wheat, sugar, etc. and a three month supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. It's great advice. It is a good feeling to know that every time the weather is predicted bad I don't have to run out and buy milk and bread. I have powdered milk (blaa to drink but great for making things) and wheat to grind to make bread. I can even make cookies! Our ward has really been stressing the importance of getting our food storage. Even though we may never use it in an emergency, we are at least being obedient for which I am sure we will be blessed.

Mother 25 - 8 said...

Yeah, I'm thinking the Lassens need to be pet free for about 5 more years. I'm surprised at how long Mona's lasted!

...uh oh, could be famous last words.